Expos & Gift Shows!

We love in-person events.
The set-up and take-down can be exhausting, but the decorating and connecting with new (and sometimes long-time) customers are worth every minute.
We've owned multiple family businesses over the years, and we've vended at quite a lot of shows, even winning Best-Booth/Best-of-Show awards.
We enjoy going ALL-IN with our booths, and we do everything we can to make our space very inviting, & something that can't be missed!
I wanted to share a few photos from right after, & during booth set-up at a couple of our shows.
Included are the small single booth, and a large double booth... some before the shelves were filled, & some after the shelves were filled!
Originally we used "Meraki" as our shop name. Along the way that changed, but we have always kept the "Meraki" philosophy: (To do what you do with soul, creativity, & passion. To put something of yourself in your work... To love what you do, and do it well).
PS - See if you can spot the little photo-bomb below. ;)